Town of Salem 3: Traitors Within - Jackals win!

VOTE: Zorvo

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Chance of that (Taken as WCS, assuming we hit town today)

Mafia kill someone every night. They can only hit the Town convert or Jackal. 2/12. Not too bad.

They also can 1/3 kill the mafia recruit. And should try and do that sooner rather than later. As Jackalā€™s priority is killing a mafia member to stop them from being able to kill the Jackalā€™s recruit.

Jackal similarly wonā€™t kill their converts. So they have a 2/12 to hit mafia.

The odds of both hitting separate non-evil is: 10/12 * 9/12 = 90/144 = 62.5% ish

thatā€™s pretty good odds tbf

you guys are all pretty cool

Can you pinky-promise?

idk he sounds pretty convincing

Kabazameā€™s ISO gives me heavy-handed ā€œI know what Iā€™m doingā€, self-righteous undertones even if his ISO has very little to speak about beyond disliking Cyanideā€™s one readlist.

Eevee didnā€™t find a townread yesterday to vote alongside, which feels odd given what I know about their playstyle but I welcome change.

Indeed and if you couple this with the fact that Cyanide flipped green, it feels very much like a wolf whoā€™s trying to hide and justify their pushes.

Kabazame didnā€™t try justifying or preparing for a v!Cyanide flip in any capacity from what I caught. He didnā€™t write up reads elsewhere or anything, nor do we need to discuss his total lack of spew/antispew.

Shit invest target, just saying.

I mean, I disagree.
The fact it makes Zorvo a viable Beguiler is a tea sip moment

Itā€™s more that you want to invest people who are prone to survive for longer.

It would be semi-obvious that Zorvo will be topic of discussion today, so if they got a ā€œgreenā€ check of sort (for example no visit for tracker), they would need to out themselves to protect them or let theirs check potentially die.

Not to mention Zorvo was a vig/jailor target and could be killed.
And if mafia were to disguise someone, it would be member most on sight, so Zorvo fits.

Itā€™s very weird pick all things considered. You are banking on many factors.
And it outs you to protect them / accuse them on day 2.

Aka. I donā€™t believe it.

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Besides, the discussion about begulier is kind of pointless.

No sane mafia uses it n1, when NK can start killing n2. Unless there is direct reason to, which you could argue is the case here.

Stil am finding roleblocks more likely.


I could but I donā€™t want to cuz if i roll mafia i wonā€™t be able to pinky promise and it will instantly out me if i do pinky promise as town

this is true actually

alright, can anyone brief me on whatā€™s happened? catching up rn <3

theres only about 300 posts

only mech thing is eliza claims they couldnā€™t investigate zorvo and no one has claimed escort so people think beguiler

socially i have gone up in a lot of peopleā€™s townreads, nothing else much has happened socially

i wish i could go ā€œi told you soā€ wrt Cyanide but honestly i donā€™t think i was around enough nor did much to warrant any kind of moral high ground over yesterday

iā€™d like to know who was opposing changing the Cya/Zorvo status quo and Zorvoā€™s status rn
but iā€™ll get to that on my own eventually